Welcome to GEMJI Forum

Welcome to the official GEMJI forum! This is the place where you can discuss game rules, ask questions, share your opinions, submit translations, and learn more about GEMJI and the online platform.

We know that games are a unique but powerful way to connect people and share meaningful experiences. And at its core, GEMJI is a tool created to bridge the distance between friends, family, and even help individuals achieve personal growth by learning new concepts. We want to lead by example and be involved with the community, and spark that passion in you as well. So let us grow together!

Get to know GEMJI

  • Register on GEMJI.com and explore the games and 3D models
  • Visit our BGG Page and don’t forget to rate us!

Before posting, please…

  • Check out the most actively discussed topics in the last year/month/week.
  • Visit the Categories page to get a broad overview of what’s going on here.
  • Make sure someone else hasn’t already created the same topic.

Start exploring the world of GEMJI,
and Thanks for helping us build our awesome board game community.